New Study on the Effects of Infla-Kine on Inflammatory Markers Shows Promising Results

Journal of Translational Medicine Published: 20 October 2017 A new study in the Journal of [...]


Making a Difference for Shelter Pet Month

October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, and we’re here to help!  Help us support [...]

Announcing: Stem-Kine Boost!

We’re proud to share the launch of a new product, Stem-Kine Boost! This press release [...]


Dark Chocolate and the Heart’s ‘Repairing Cells’ (EPCs)

Along the lines of finding out red wine can provide heart health benefits, the European Society [...]

The Reaches of Stem Cell Therapies

Dr. Neil H. Riordan (Stem-Kine’s creator) has written a new book, Stem Cell Therapy: A [...]

Exercise and Endothelial Functioning

You know exercise is good for you, but do you know exactly how? The relationship [...]



Aging is inevitable, but most of it is a symptom of damage and wear—problems that [...]

Blood Flow and Tissue Growth – The Bad and the Good

The Importance of Healthy Blood Flow Most of the working parts in your body are [...]

Stem Cells for Life and Longevity

We’re all born packed with potential—literally full of the stem cells that make the young [...]

6 Areas to Improve Your Circulating Stem Cells (And Your Health)

The stem cells in your body are invaluable to your health. Degenerative diseases and aging [...]