Welcome back! Last time, you learned about the importance of stem cells and what those mean to your body. This week we are talking all about the stem cells naturally produced by your body and how they are among some of the best ammunition you can arm your body with.
Inflammation Types
There are good and bad types of inflammation. Blood travels to injured or infected areas of the body for a reason—this is the process by which the body’s white blood cells, the protectors within our veins, travel to the place of injury or infection and start the cleanup process. But sometimes when it comes to serious, chronic inflammation our body’s immune system overreacts and triggers an excessive inflammatory response. Find out more about this inflammation and what you can do to combat it.
Heart Health
Called the Endothelial Progenitor Cell (EPC) this cell can mature into a healthy endothelial cell. Low EPC levels are an early barometer of cardiovascular risk. This endothelial dysfunction precedes high blood pressure, the hardening of the arteries and plaque formation. Clinical research suggests that increasing circulating EPCs decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease†.
A healthy endothelium (the inner lining of your blood vessels) is responsible for:
- Controlling your blood pressure and clotting ability†
- Aiding in the formation of new blood vessels and tissue remodeling†
- Playing a significant role in the body’s immune system and inflammatory responses†
Stem-Kine stimulates your body to double the release of EPCs during supplementation!1,2* Endothelial Progenitor Cells, or EPCs, provide a continued source of replenishment for damaged blood vessels.
Athletic Recovery and Regeneration
Check out this video of Dr. Neil Riordan explain this type of stem cells and how they can help you!
Next Up, we will discuss aging support!
*Results not necessarily typical. Individual results may vary.
†Stem-Kine is not a suitable replacement for prescription medication and should not be used as a substitute. Results may vary. Content within and linked from this web page is for educational and informational purposes only, and not intended as a diagnostic or treatment guide for any disease or its symptoms. Statements on this page have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your regular health care provider.
I just had X-rays and it showed i have severe arthritis in my hip and back. Will stem-line help situation.?
Stem-Kine has been clinically proven to increase production of your body’s own stem cells, but we have no studies on arthritis. We recommend talking to your healthcare provider about the cause of your arthritis and how they recommend you treat that situation.