Your Body’s Healthy Cells Begin to Decline at Age 25!
Healthy Circulation Depends…
On a healthy endothelium, the inner lining of your blood vessels. A healthy endothelium is responsible for:
- Controlling your blood pressure and clotting ability†
- Aiding in the formation of new blood vessels and tissue remodeling†
- Playing a significant role in the body’s immune system and inflammatory response†
As you age…
Your body’s ability to produce healthy, young cells begins to decline. Many theories of aging propose that this is the reason why we succumb to illness and disease in the later years of our lives.†
A Special Type of Stem Cell…
Called the Endothelial Progenitor Cell (EPC) is a cell that is able to mature into a healthy endothelial cell.
Stem-Kine stimulates your body to double the amount of EPCs during supplementation!†
Wait, What?
That’s right, Stem-Kine, a nutritional supplement, has been shown in two clinical trials to double the release of EPCs throughout supplementation.1,2†*
No other supplement can claim these results. Other supplements are tested in petri dishes and do not have actual human clinical trials. Just as fertilizer stimulates a tree to bear more fruit, Stem-Kine nourishes your bone marrow to release more of its own stem cells into circulation and protects those cells from oxidative stress. It does so through a “secret ingredient” – a cell wall extract of Lactobacillus fermentum – developed exclusively for Stem-Kine.

Supplementation with Stem-Kine has been shown to double the release of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs)!1†*
*Results not necessarily typical. Individual results may vary.
Regular Retail Price: $89.00 On Sale: $75.00!
Stem-Kine is a clinically proven proprietary stem cell supplement that stimulates your body to double the release of circulating stem cells, revitalizing your health, wellness, and regenerative capabilities.1,2
How Does it Work?
Stem-Kine’s powerful ingredients contain a proprietary, heat-treated extract of Lactobacillus Fermentum and the powerful antioxidants astragalus root, goji berry, and green tea. This cell wall extract gives Stem-Kine its “fertilizer effect” and releases stem cells into the bloodstream & protects those cells from oxidative stress. Supplemental ingredients include beta-1,3-glucan, vitamin D3, and ellagic acid to further protect stem cells from oxidative stress.†*
Lactobacillus Fermentum
Containing patented and patent-pending fermented blends of astragalus root, goji berry, and green tea, our proprietary ingredient nourishes the bone marrow to release more stem cells into the blood stream. Once these stem cells are in circulation, they can hone to sources of injury within the body and begin the repair process.†*
Beta 1,3 Glucan
A natural immune booster, beta glucans have been shown in multiple research studies to trigger a cascade of events that help regulate the immune system, making it stronger and more efficient. Beta glucans are also extremely important for heart health. A recent research study showed that people who ingested more beta glucans, had a significantly greater reduction of total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein (LDL).†*
Ellagic Acid
Sourced from nature’s powerful antioxidant, pomegranate, ellagic acid harbors a powerful chemoprotective effect by reducing oxidative stress. This ingredient helps to protect your stem cells from free radicals.†*
Vitamin D3
For more than a century, scientists have recognized that Vitamin D3 is involved in bone health. Not only that, it is paramount in immune support & low levels of Vitamin D3 are linked to depression, back pain, cancer, impaired immunity, and much more.†*
Clinical Trials on Stem-Kine
1. Circulating endothelial progenitor cells: a new approach to anti-aging medicine?
Journal of Translational Medicine 2009, 7:106. Mikirova NA, Jackson JA, Hunninghake R, Kenyon J, Chan KWH, Swindlehurst CA, Minev B, Patel A, Murphy MP, Smith L, Alexandrescu DT, Ichim TE, Riordan NH.
ABSTRACT: Endothelial dysfunction is associated with major causes of morbidity and mortality, as well as numerous age-related conditions. The possibility of preserving or even rejuvenating endothelial function offers a potent means of preventing/treating some of the most fearful aspects of aging such as loss of mental, cardiovascular, and sexual function. Endothelial precursor cells (EPC) provide a continual source of replenishment for damaged or senescent blood vessels. In this review we discuss the biological relevance of circulating EPC in a variety of pathologies in order to build the case that these cells act as an endogenous mechanism of regeneration. Factors controlling EPC mobilization, migration, and function, as well as therapeutic interventions based on mobilization of EPC will be reviewed. We conclude by discussing several clinically-relevant approaches to EPC mobilization and provide preliminary data on a food supplement, Stem-Kine, which enhanced EPC mobilization in human subjects…
2. Nutraceutical augmentation of circulating endothelial progenitor cells and hematopoietic stem cells in human subjects
Journal of Translational Medicine 2010, Apr 8;8:34. Mikirova NA, Jackson JA, Hunninghake R, Kenyon J, Chan KW, Swindlehurst CA, Minev B, Patel AN, Murphy MP, Smith L, Ramos F, Ichim TE, Riordan NH.
ABSTRACT: The medical significance of circulating endothelial or hematopoietic progenitors is becoming increasing recognized. While therapeutic augmentation of circulating progenitor cells using G-CSF has resulted in promising preclinical and early clinical data for several degenerative conditions, this approach is limited by cost and inability to perform chronic administration. Stem-Kine is a food supplement that was previously reported to augment circulating EPC in a pilot study. Here we report a trial in 18 healthy volunteers administered Stem-Kine twice daily for a 2 week period. Significant increases in circulating CD133 and CD34 cells were observed at days 1, 2, 7, and 14 subsequent to initiation of administration, which correlated with increased hematopoietic progenitors as detected by the HALO assay…