Endothelial Progenitor (Precursor) Cells help repair your body’s blood vessels, and endothelial dysfunction is associated with a wide range of chronic diseases. Learn more from Dr. Neil Riordan on the rationale behind, and development of Stem-Kine.
Endothelial Progenitor (Precursor) Cells help repair your body’s blood vessels, and endothelial dysfunction is associated with a wide range of chronic diseases. Learn more from Dr. Neil Riordan on the rationale behind, and development of Stem-Kine.
Hello, I was wondering, if your symposium was part of the Truth About Cancer Symposium? Thank you
I’m interested.
Hi – I have had a CT which have suggested a small hemorrhage in a cavernoma in the left thalamus (stable appearance of the ovoid 6×4 mm lesion within the anterior aspect of the thalamus). Is it possible that your product (Stem-Kine) could heal this hemorrhage? – or, do you have any evidence of this produce performing any such miracles?